Saturday, May 18, 2024

Breville Oracle: A Revolutionary 3-in-1 Fully-automatic Espresso Machine

Third-wave coffee is a lot more than just beans and water. It’s about the entire experience, from sourcing to brewing. And it takes time and skill to make great coffee at home, which not everyone has.

The Breville Oracle automates all three processes with one machine, making it easy for anyone – even beginners – to make professional-quality coffee at home or in their office. Will the Oracle exceed your third-wave coffee expectations?

We’ve put a lot of effort into researching the Breville Oracle and we highly recommend checking out the What You Should Know Before Your Buy section to get the finer details of what to expect.

Highest Quality
Breville Oracle
  • The Breville Oracle fully automatic delivers third wave specialty coffee and has a professional Dual Boiler construction that delivers unparalleled temperature control and simultaneous extraction and steaming
  • Dose Control Grinding: The integrated precision conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses and tamps 22 grams of freshly ground coffee, for maximum flavor
  • Optimal Water Pressure: The Over Pressure Valve limits the maximum pump pressure throughout extraction, helping prevent bitter flavors; Low pressure pre infusion gradually increases water pressure to gently expand grinds for an even extraction
  • Precise Espresso Extraction: Dual stainless steel boilers and heated group head controlled by digital temperature control (PID) delivers water at precisely the right temperature, ensuring optimal espresso extraction
  • Automatic Microfoam Milk Texturing: Self-cleaning steam wand, powered by a dedicated boiler, automatically textures milk to your liking and delivers barista quality microfoam that enhances flavor and is essential for creating latte art at home
  • Shot Control and LCD Display: Choose between one shot, two shots or manual control on the LCD display to control how much espresso ends up in your cup to make the perfect coffee/espresso every time
  • One Touch Americano: Delivers a double espresso, and then separately through a dedicated spout, fills the cup with hot water

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Our Quick Review

Breville Oracle
4.5 / 5 Reviewer
  • Fully-automatic coffee machine with dual boilers.
  • Brews espresso at the optimal temperature.
  • Digital pressure control (PID)
  • Has built-in Burr grinder
  • LCD display
  • Grinds, doses, and tamps coffee automatically
  • Brew single, double and customized espresso shots
  • Pricey
  • No manual tamping
  • Takes longer to warm up
The Breville Oracle is a revolutionary 3-in-1 fully automatic espresso machine that simplifies the process of making high-quality coffee by automating all three processes – grinding, tamping, and extracting – in one single device. This machine is top-notch and online forums and feedback conclude that this is a mighty fine machine for making third-wave espresso.
Overall Design4.5
The Brewing System4.5
Coffee Quality & Versatility5
Cleaning Maintenance4.5


Breville is one of the world’s leading brands in small home appliances. It is trusted by millions of people to deliver quality and innovation, every time. This Australian home appliance company has a wide range of products that will make your life easier: from blenders to coffee machines, kettles to microwaves, and even toaster ovens! 

Overview of the Breville Oracle

The Oracle is a revolutionary new coffee machine that takes all the guesswork out of making specialty coffee. The Oracle grinds, doses, stamps, and textures milk automatically – so you can focus on what really matters: enjoying your perfect cup of coffee!

The Good

The Oracle automates two parts of making espresso drinks – grinding and texturing milk – which lets anyone make amazing specialty coffees at home easily, quickly, and without fail. This espresso machine takes all the hard work out of it so that anyone can enjoy espresso drinks with minimal effort!

The Bad

Aside from its high price tag, the Breville Oracle has no available replacement parts for water filters. Also, if you’d like an espresso machine that prepares espresso drinks pronto, this fully-automatic machine isn’t an ideal buy as it takes much longer to warm up compared to other super-automatic espresso makers.

The Bottom Line

The Oracle is a revolutionary new machine that makes it easy to make the perfect espresso every time. It grinds beans automatically, tamps them perfectly, extracts coffee with precision, and textures milk for you all in under one minute. You’ll have the best-tasting latte or cappuccino without any of the hassles.

Features & Benefits

Performance and Quality

Precise Espresso Extraction 

Digital Temperature Control (PID) makes sure the temperature is just right, +/- 2°C. This ensures the perfect espresso extraction. Low-pressure pre-infusion gradually increases pressure and helps to draw out all of your favorite flavors from start to finish for a balanced cup you’ll love!


The Oracle Breville features a low-pressure pre-infusion. This feature works by gradually increasing the water pressure to expand the grinds evenly for a balanced extraction. The pre-infusion can be programmed or manually operated by pressing and holding the 1 cup or 2 cup button. Once the pre-infusion duration is met, you can release the button to start the full pump pressure. When the required duration is reached, you can push the button again to stop.

Dual Boiler

The Breville Oracle allows simultaneous coffee and steam with its dual boilers. The espresso machine has two stainless steel espresso and steam boilers so you can texture milk and extract coffee beans at the same time. 

The steam boiler’s temperature can also be adjusted if you want to control the steam pressure. You can adjust and set the steam boiler temperature by rotating the SELECT dial to your preferred temperature. Usually, the temperature is set in a default setting of 130˚C. You’ll know the confirmation of the selection once you hear the beep.

Triple Heat System

Compared to other fully automatic espresso machines available in the market today, this Oracle coffee machine has a triple heat system comprising of a dedicated steam boiler with integrated Heat Exchange, an espresso boiler that uses PID technology to deliver an optimal water temperature for brewing, and an embedded heated group head with PID controlled element to maintain thermal stability throughout the brewing process.

Breville Oracle: A Revolutionary 3-in-1 Fully-automatic Espresso Machine

Microfoam Milk Texturing

The Oracle has manual and automatic milk texturing which allows you to have full control in creating microfoam for your latte drinks. When you’re using the manual texturing mode, the automatic milk texturing and the auto shut-off are disabled.

When using this feature, it’s best to start with cold, fresh milk contained in the milk jug and place it below the spout. To introduce steam in the milk, insert the steam wand’s tip by 1 to 2 cm below the surface of the milk, near the right-hand side of the milk jug, and in a 3 o’clock position. Afterward, lift the steam lever to begin the steam flow.

Built-in Burr Grinder

The Breville Oracle has an automatic grind, dose, and tamp feature. It is made with a fully integrated conical burr grinder that allows you to automatically grind, dose, and tamp 22 grams of coffee straight into the portafilter. 


In terms of design, the Breville made an impressive move of giving the Oracle espresso machine an ergonomic design that is neither too big nor too small. 

It has three small LCD and adjustable backlights, where two of them light up as the espresso shots pour into your cup when you push the button. The digital grind adjustments work when you turn the knob at the side panel of the machine. 

When it comes to automatic and manual texturing of milk, you can use the lever to operate the steam wand. Aside from that, you can easily adjust the milk temperature/texture so you can expect a quality microfoam for your drinks.


Programmable Shot Control

The Oracle espresso machine has flexible shot control that permits you to choose between a single, double shot, or manual command over how much coffee extracts you’d like to land in your cup in each perfect dose.

Likewise, you can program the shots volumetrically to achieve an accurate espresso every time you brew. Though the grind/tamp operates with 30 grams coffee grounds by default, you can still prepare a balanced and cafe-quality coffee with 19 to 22 grams of coffee grounds using the 54mm portafilter.


The Oracle coffee maker from Breville is made of stainless steel casing but some of its components are made of BPA-free plastics while few of its mechanisms use cheap parts which makes it incomparable to manual or traditional semi-automatic espresso machines in terms of durability. 

Likewise, its components are not sturdy enough to withstand all of its operations simultaneously when used under pressure (for instance heavy espresso brewing for a number of drinkers). That’s why it’s not recommended for business use where you’ll be required to prepare a number of espresso drinks. 

However, it is a good machine to use for home brewing if you’re aspiring to make third-wave coffee for personal consumption.


When you buy espresso makers, stars on review aren’t only the basis of whether you should buy an espresso machine or not. The specification also helps in determining if you found a great machine for your coffee needs. 

Here are the machine specifications of the Breville Oracle you shouldn’t miss in this review.


  • Bean Hopper Capacity: 1/2 lb. 
  • Water Tank Capacity: 84 oz.

Construction Materials

  • Brushed Stainless Steel Exterior. 
  • Stainless Steel Dual Boiler.

Dimensions (WxDxH)

  • 14.5″ x 14.7″ x 17.6″

Over Pressure Valve

  • This commercial feature limits the 15 bar Italian pump pressure throughout the extraction, preventing bitter flavors in the shot.


  • 1800 Watts.

Pre Infusion Function

  • Gradually increases water pressure to gently expand grinds for an even extraction.


  • Adjustable Grind Control. 
  • Programmable Milk Temperature and Texture. 
  • One/Two Shots. 
  • Long Black. 
  • Hot Water.


  • The espresso shot clock displays shot duration as a guide to extraction consistency.

Triple Heat System

  1. A dedicated steam boiler with integrated Heat Exchange aids thermal stability. 
  2. A dedicated espresso boiler with Digital PID control delivers precise water temperature. 
  3. Heated group head–PID controlled embedded element maintains thermal stability.


  • 110–120 Volts.


  • 2 Year Repair Warranty

Breville Oracle: A Revolutionary 3-in-1 Fully-automatic Espresso Machine
The complete visual list of all the accessories that are included with the Breville Oracle.

Accessories Included

Most semi-automatic/fully-automatic machines require you to buy additional accessories before you can maximize their full potential. With the Oracle espresso machine, you won’t need to buy any as it includes the following accessories upon purchase:

  • Mini Grinds Bin. 
  • 58mm Full Stainless Steel Portafilter. 
  • 1 cup & 2 cup Single Wall Filter Baskets. 
  • 16oz Stainless Steel Milk Jug. 
  • Steam Wand Spare Parts. 
  • Cleaning Kit. 
  • Water Hardness Test Strip. 
  • Water Filter Holder and Water Filter.

Looking for the ideal roast to use with your coffee machine or espresso maker? Check out some of our favorite coffee bean articles to help you choose the right third-wave coffee:

Cleaning The Oracle Breville

The secret to long-term brewing with the Oracle espresso machine is regular cleaning and maintenance. In this Breville Oracle review, we’ll share cleaning tips and how-tos to maintain it.

  1. To clean the burr grinder

Take out the bean hopper every now and then. You can vacuum out the grounds or clean the grinder with a brush. 

  1. To clean the brew head

Use the wrench included in the cleaning kit to take out the brew head and clean it every 6 months or so. But when you do, it’s vital to clean it also with the cleaning tablet. 

For regular washing of the brew head, put a cleaning disc in the portafilter, attach it back and flush out water by pressing the button brew-stop-brew-stop to force out the water to clean the screen even without the cleaning tablet.

  1. To clean the steam wand

Make sure you wipe it off with a damp cloth right after each use to prevent milk clogging and spoiling. You can actually clean the tip of the steam wand by throwing it in any cleaning solution like Renza or any cleaning agent that can remove any cake formed from milk. 

Also, you can use the needles that are included in the cleaning kit to clean the holes of the steam wand. There are also needles that you can use to clean the holes in the basket if needed. 

  1. To descale the Breville espresso machines

Descaling the Oracle BES980XL doesn’t have to be done often but make sure you use charcoal filters that go with the water tank and pure water so you won’t have any issues in descaling the machine. It doesn’t have to be every day, but descaling every six months or so will do.

  1. For other basic cleaning methods

Wipe the machine with a clean rag especially when you take out the screen every now and then. 

  1. Clean water backflushing

Backflushing is an important part of cleaning your Breville Oracle. It helps in removing any residual coffee oils from the espresso paths. To do it, you have to 

  • Insert the gray, silicone cleaning disc included in the accessories provided by Breville. You can find this disc at the tool storage just beneath the drip tray. 
  • Take out the group handle from the group head and pop it inside the disc right in the middle. 
  • Then reinsert the group handle into the group head. 
  • Press the 2-cup button to start the flow of the water into the group head. When it reaches the 15-second shot-clock mark, which you’ll see at the LCD display, press the stop button to discharge the water to the drip tray. Doing so will help clean the espresso paths.
  • Do the process three to four times.

If the machine requires thorough deep backflushing, it will prompt you on its LCD screen. You will be repeating the same process. However, you’ll have to insert the cleaning tablet right in the middle of the cleaning disc which you placed in the group head.

With the cleaning tablet involved, you’ll access the menu system by turning the knob. Select the clean cycle in the menu before you push the select button. The cleaning cycle will run for 370 seconds. 

Breville Oracle: A Revolutionary 3-in-1 Fully-automatic Espresso Machine

What You Should Know Before You Buy

Whether you’re a Breville coffee maker fan or not, it’s always a must to read the finer details of a kitchen appliance you’re looking for. Below is the most crucial information we filtered from the internet that we think you should know before you buy this espresso maker.

  • Don’t be confused between The Oracle and the Oracle Touch as these are two different espresso machines with the same functionality. However, Oracle Touch is a more advanced type because it has a touch screen control panel and it allows you to save/program drinks.
  • Both the Oracle Touch and the Breville Oracle have dual boilers.
  • Use a pressurized basket if you want to brew pre-ground coffee beans.
  • There’s no manual tamping in Breville Oracle so it’s for the best not to remove the tamp fan.
  • The Breville Oracle has the best temperature stability compared to other fully-automatic espresso machines in the market.
  • The Oracle works best when paired with a manual grinder if you want to have an impressive espresso based on your tasting preferences. 
  • The reason why the Oracle espresso machine requires more grounds than what Barista Pro requires is that it uses a 58mm portafilter which is larger than BBP’s 54mm portafilter.
  • Regular backflushing and heating the machine 30 minutes before use guarantees a good espresso experience with Breville Oracle as a standalone espresso machine.


Is the Breville Oracle worth it?

The Oracle by Breville is a good espresso machine for coffee lovers who want limited work or don’t require much skill to prepare coffee. It’s a fully-automatic espresso machine with a built-in grinder that allows you to make specialty coffee as close as those you typically buy from local coffee shops. The machine is convenient to use and space-savvy. For its price tag, it’s a solid option for coffee drinkers that want a fully-automatic machine but has super-automatic features for lazy days when you just want to drink coffee.

What is the difference between Breville Oracle and Oracle Touch?

Breville’s Oracle and Touch machines differ in one way: the control panel. The touch screen on the more high-tech machine allows you to operate it with a sleek operating system that displays your full menu of espresso, long black, latte, or flat white coffee options–whatever drink is programmed will be prepared for you exactly as if purchased at your favorite cafe! And don’t worry about taste either; shots from this machine produce stellar flavor just like those bought straight out of an Italian bistro.

Another difference between these two impressive machines is the design and build. At first glance, the Oracle Touch looks the same as Breville Oracle. Yet, few things to distinguish one from another are the presence of buttons, knobs, and size.

The Oracle has buttons at the front panel of the coffee machine. It also has two knobs that are dedicated to bean extraction and texturing milk. The Breville Oracle is smaller and more compact than Oracle Touch. Meanwhile, The Oracle Touch has no buttons but operates with its touch screen. It has one knob for bean extraction and milk texturing. Lastly, it appears bulkier than its predecessor.

What is Oracle Breville?

The Oracle Breville is a fully-automatic espresso machine with a built-in coffee grinder. It’s a solid option for coffee lovers who want to prepare third-wave specialty coffee on their busy days or when they feel like wanting to impress somebody. 

How do you use the Breville Oracle espresso machine?

The Breville Oracle works immaculately when you use high-quality, fresh coffee beans and prepares delicious cups of joe consistently. It’s a top-end fully-automatic espresso machine with a dual boiler, which allows you to brew espresso and create microfoam for your espresso drinks simultaneously.

How much is the Breville Oracle?

For under $2,000, you can prepare barista-quality third-wave espresso with the Oracle Breville.

How good is the Breville Oracle?

Breville Oracle is a good coffee machine because it offers versatility. You can prepare café quality coffee on the days you want to be in control of the brewing process and on lazy days when you feel like only coffee can make you move out of your bed.

How long does a Breville Oracle last?

The Oracle coffee machine has a 2-year repair warranty. With the proper maintenance and use, it can easily last many years.

Which Breville coffee machine is the best?

The Oracle boasts a stainless steel front and the top portion which provides for easy access and maintenance because it all goes back together so neatly inside. But more than that, this machine has commercial level quality right down to the PID microprocessor that regulates steam and pressure separately for espresso making. You can also adjust brewing temperature from hot (212 degrees) to iced, which I found convenient considering I use a French press too often in warmer weather.

How tall is the Breville Oracle?

The Breville Oracles stand at 21.1 inches. The machine looks taller as the bean hopper adds an additional  2.5 inches to the overall height of the coffee maker.

Does the Breville Oracle have a dual boiler?

The Oracle espresso machines have a dual boiler that allows you to brew coffee and milk texturing at the same time.

Does the Breville Oracle make regular coffee?

This coffee machine can prepare regular coffee. It has an integrated coffee grinder and a PID temperature control system that allows the coffee maker to prepare Americano and other coffee drinks with consistency in taste and temperature.


If you’re more interested in a fully automatic coffee machine, search no further as we recommend the following alternatives to make your coffee brewing experience convenient and extraordinary.

The Breville Oracle Touch

Breville Oracle Touch is a modern way to prepare your favorite coffee drinks. The fully automatic espresso machine takes the work out of brewing and makes it easy with three simple touch screens motions – swipe, select, tap. Read our Oracle Touch full review to learn more about this espresso maker. 

De’Longhi La Specialista Espresso Machine

This is the ultimate coffee maker for those who love to play with their cups of joe. La Specialista by De’Longhi has an advanced latte system where you can choose between flat or foam to make your favorite drinks. It also features two different heating systems: a thermoblock for precise coffee extraction and an independent heating system for texturing or steaming milk, so that no matter what type of drinker you are, there’s something just right! You get a 2-year warranty automatically, and a 3rd year if you register the purchase with De’Longhi.

Best Alternative
De'Longhi La Specialista Espresso Machine with Sensor Grinder
  • Sensor grinding technology: Exclusive sensing technology delivers precise, consistent grinding and the optimal dose for espresso, every time. Plus, the bean sensor ensures you’ll never run out of beans while grinding.
  • The smart tamping station: Simply pull the lever to tamp the ground coffee with the right pressure for perfect results. There’s no need to remove the porta-filter, so you get to enjoy a mess-free experience.
  • Active temperature control with dual heating system: The best temperature stability for optimal coffee extraction and milk texturing. La Specialist is equipped with two independent heating systems. One thermoblock for extracting coffee and an independent heating system for steaming milk or frothing ensures immediate beverage preparation
  • Advanced latte system: Choose your style of froth: Micro-foam frothing for Latte Art or rich froth for cappuccino. Just place your cup under the spout and select flat or foam. Once it’s finished, you can enjoy your flat hot milk, or the perfect foam to express your latte art creativity.
  • 1 second quick start: Power the machine on, grind and tamp your dose, then immediately brew authentic espresso – no additional heat up time necessary. Thanks to a second heating system dedicated to the advanced latte system, you don’t have to wait to steam your milk, either. La Specialist is ready when you are.
  • Separate hot water spout: For added convenience, use La Specialist's separate hot water spout to brew an authentic Americano. And the spout also delivers hot water for tea without the residual coffee taste transferring from the brewing unit.
  • Warranty: 2 years, plus 1 additional year of warranty for registering your espresso machine.

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The Jura S8

The JURA S8 is a sleek and compact espresso machine that makes gourmet coffee just as good, if not better than anything you’ll find in the finest of cafes. Complete with all the bells and whistles found on high-end models for an affordable price, this little guy will turn your mornings into something to look forward to! Read more about this high-end automatic espresso machine in our Jura S8 full review.

Best High Quality Design
Jura S8 Automatic Coffee Machine, Chrome
  • ONE TOUCH:15 different espresso drink styles at the touch of a button
  • PERFECT ESPRESSO: JURA's exclusive Pulse Extraction Process
  • CONICAL BURR GRINDER: Super consistent grind/ far superior to blade grinders
  • ECO FRIENDLY: No capsules! Grinds actual espresso beans
  • CAPACITY: Water Tank: 64 oz ; Bean Compartment: 10 oz

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The Jura E8

The Jura E8 is a top-of-the-line fully automatic espresso machine that can make the likes of latte macchiato, cappuccino, or flat white according to your taste preferences. It features 16 different barista-quality coffee specialties and has an optional steaming wand for those who enjoy frothy milk in their drinks. Learn more from our Jura E8 full review of how this super-automatic coffee machine can make your morning coffee special.

Burr Grinder + Automated
Jura E8 Piano Black Automatic Coffee Machine
  • ONE TOUCH: Make 16 different espresso drinks!
  • PERFECT ESPRESSO: JURA's exclusive Pulse Extraction Process allows you t make consistently perfect espresso
  • CONICAL BURR GRINDER: Fast and precise AromaG3 grinder
  • JURA lets you make real, fresh ground espresso. No capsules!
  • CAPACITY: 64 oz water tank, 10 oz bean container
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The Breville Oracle is a great option for people who want fully manual options in their machine alongside some of the convenience and ease of use special features such as the programmable timer, brew-strength selector, grind selector dial, and degree control. All these features make it an excellent option for those who know how they like their coffee but don’t have time or patience to fiddle with settings every morning.

If you’re serious about wanting a touch-screen, then we recommend upgrading to the Breville Oracle Touch. Lastly, if Breville isn’t your thing, check out the Jura S8 and E8 as attractive alternatives.

Highest Quality
Breville Oracle
  • The Breville Oracle fully automatic delivers third wave specialty coffee and has a professional Dual Boiler construction that delivers unparalleled temperature control and simultaneous extraction and steaming
  • Dose Control Grinding: The integrated precision conical burr grinder automatically grinds, doses and tamps 22 grams of freshly ground coffee, for maximum flavor
  • Optimal Water Pressure: The Over Pressure Valve limits the maximum pump pressure throughout extraction, helping prevent bitter flavors; Low pressure pre infusion gradually increases water pressure to gently expand grinds for an even extraction
  • Precise Espresso Extraction: Dual stainless steel boilers and heated group head controlled by digital temperature control (PID) delivers water at precisely the right temperature, ensuring optimal espresso extraction
  • Automatic Microfoam Milk Texturing: Self-cleaning steam wand, powered by a dedicated boiler, automatically textures milk to your liking and delivers barista quality microfoam that enhances flavor and is essential for creating latte art at home
  • Shot Control and LCD Display: Choose between one shot, two shots or manual control on the LCD display to control how much espresso ends up in your cup to make the perfect coffee/espresso every time
  • One Touch Americano: Delivers a double espresso, and then separately through a dedicated spout, fills the cup with hot water

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Other Breville Machines That May Interest You:

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By: Cheryl De Torres
Title: Breville Oracle: A Revolutionary 3-in-1 Fully-automatic Espresso Machine
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Published Date: Sat, 24 Jul 2021 07:57:07 +0000

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